Even more of a holiday feeling
There is always room for more. A little more means more fun. Find out more about our land, its people, South Tyrolean cuisine, local quality products, or the history and customs of South Tyrol. Enjoy outings to local attractions: South Tyrol’s cities and museums are not only beautiful in themselves, they widen your perspective and intensify that holiday feeling.
Thanks to its double perspective, Bozen is able to mesmerize tourists who come from all over. Its two lifestyles, one Northern European and the other more Mediterranean, combine to make the perfect union, which can be clearly seen in the historic and artistic treasures of this city.
Runkelstein Castle encloses the largest cycle of secular frescoes dating back to the Middle Ages. Its representation of medieval society and its strategic location made it one of the foremost attractions of our region.
Archaeologic sensation, media star, research topic, museum object: Ötzi is a glacier mummy from the Copper Age, who, thanks to extraordinary circumstances, has been preserved down to the present day. Little by little, he has imparted genuine stores of knowledge. He was discovered accidentally by hikers in 1991, together with his clothing and equipment, on the Schnalstal/Val Senales Valley glacier and has been the subject of intensive research ever since.
As the centerpiece of the Messner Mountain Museum, MMM Firmian in Sigmundskron Castle near Bozen addresses the subject of man’s encounter with the mountains. In a setting dominated by the various peaks between the Schlern and the Texel range, the museum is spacious enough to be organized as an itinerary between the various works of art, installations and relics that it houses.
Meran is a vibrant spa town, characterized by spacious parks, easy walking routes, botanical gardens and waterways which invite visitors to linger and enjoy the green and pleasant atmosphere of the old town. Visitors will also nd many shops and restaurants in the medieval arcades and alongside the elegant art nouveau buildings.
The Gardens of Trauttmansdor Castle, located in the town of Meran in northern Italy, is a botanical garden nestled into a twelve-hectare amphitheatre with an altitude di erential of 100 meters. Trauttmansdor o ers spectacular views of exotic gardens and breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains and the spa resort town of Meran.
Sterzing, the alpine town, enchants its visitors with a unique charm. Enjoy your holiday in Südtirol. Summer or winter, there is always something going on: traditional events, wonderful walks, fantastic ski slopes, unique sledding fun - holidays for everyone!
At the very heart of South Tyrol, above the region’s capital city Bozen, reigns the high plateau of the Ritten mountain. All of its 15 villages, some smaller than others, scattered from the lovely vineyards in the valley all the way up to the breezy altitudes of Alpine highlands, o er recreation, culture and tons of nature to experience and enjoy.