Raiffeisenkasse Sarntal - Headquarters Sarnthein Kirchplatz
Phone +39 0471 624500 - Fax +39 0471 624510
Money exchange - ATM
Opening hours:
Monday: 8.00 - 12.30
Tuesday: 8.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 18.45
Wednesday: 8.00 - 12.30
Thursday: 8.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 18.45
Friday: 8.00 - 12.30
Raiffeisenkasse Sarntal - Bank Astfeld main street
Phone +39 0471 624591 - Fax +39 0471 624510
Money exchange - ATM
Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 12.30
Further cash points:
"Drive-In" at the village entrance/petrol station, valley station of the Reinswald ski area and in Weißenbach.
Südtiroler Sparkasse AG - Sarnthein Bank Postplatz
Tel. +39 0471 623292
Money exchange - ATM
Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 8.35 - 12.55 / 14.35 - 16.30
Richard Oberkalmsteiner (state-certified mountain and ski guide)
Kandelsberg 39 - 39058 Sarnthein (BZ)
Tel. +39 348 7933549 - E-Mail: richard.ober@gmx.de
Bus, city bus, train and cable car information in South Tyrol:
Info Mobility
Tel. 840 000471
Passenger information Monday to Saturday,
except public holidays, 07.30 - 20.00 hrs
Online timetables: www.sii.bz.it
Franz Aichner
Car repair / bodywork / towing service (24 h) / car wash
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 0471 623703 / +39 328 2918400
Auto Sarntal
Car repair / bodywork / towing service
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 0471 623441
Doctor on duty for urgent cases:
+39 0471 1808047
For emergencies:
White Cross section Sarnthein - Tel. 112
Joint practice of the Sarntal Valley doctors
(telephone reservation required)
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 0471 1808041
Medical on-call service
(outside the outpatient clinic hours)
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 0471 1808047
Call free of charge
Unique emergency number - Tel. 112
Traffic information - Tel. 1518
ACI (Italian Automobile Club) - Tel. 803116
Sarnthein parish church
in German language: 08.00
Bilingual German/Italian (July and August only): 09.30
Evening Mass (German): 18.30
Reinswald parish church
Saturday: 19.30
Sunday: 09.30
Durnholz parish church
Sunday: 08.00
Parish church Pens
Sunday: 9.30
Aberstückl parish curch
Sunday: 8.00
Jakob Gross
Nordheim - Tel. +39 335 8243667
Mair Martina
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 348 7940132
Reichsigl Christian
Sarnthein - Tel. +39 347 7964370
Josef Innerebner - Sarnthein - Tel. +39 334 3330839
Magdalena Brugger - Tel. +39 2115447